Original Songs
Here you'll find original songs by musicians all over the world - made into Earsy Tunes. You can publish YOUR songs for people all over the world to learn and enjoy, and we will pay you! if your interested, mail us - support@earsy.org
How it works:
1. Just listen effortlessly to the NAMES of the notes .Listen to the same Earsy Tunes daily. Use HEADPHONES or good quality speakers.
2. Do NOT practice/memorize.
3. When (after at least 3 days) the melody (including note names) is clear in your memory and "wants to come out", only then sing/play along. Whenever you're not sure, stop singing/playing and just listen.
4. Continue until you sing/play it well.
In 3 days - 5 weeks (depending on the complexity of the melody and your level) you will know the melodies by heart. The more melodies you know the better your musical ear will get. 10 min listening a day can easily teach you 4 hours of melody in a year - without any effort on your behalf.
If you don't know the Do Re Mi.. Earsy will teach you that.
Daniel Dor - Viva La Bushwick (bundle)
Daniel Dor is a world class drummer who recorded with legends (i.e. Avishai Cohen). Go check out his music at DanielDorMusic.com
This bundle contains the main and bass melodies of this Earsy Tune + their charts (sheet).
Daniel Dor - Viva La Bushwick (main melody)
This contains only the main melody of this Earsy Tune.
Daniel Dor - Viva La Bushwick (bass melody)
This contains only the bass melody of this Earsy Tune.
Dror Goldstein - Lishkoah Shuv
Dror Goldstein is a fantastic musician. Go check out his page
Disclosure: The Re notes here are sung with a non-Italian accent.